Generation NeXt Parenting – Tricia Goyer – FREE COPY!

Ronie Uncategorized 6 Comments

Okay–anyone who knows me, KNOWS that I adore Tricia Goyer‘s writing. I’ve promoted two of her books here and will continue to do so as long as she lets me. πŸ˜€ When the offer came along for her non-fic book, Generation NeXt Parenting: A Savvy Parent’s Guide to Getting it Right I hesitated for as long as it takes to blink. I mean, come on–she’s a brilliant writer, she has three kids, and Hello! What parent of this generation wouldn’t want help. πŸ˜€ However, what surprised me is how kewl this book is. The back reads: This book is designed like a magazine (not because you miss reading Seventeen, but because no parent has time to read a book cover …


Ronie Uncategorized 5 Comments

Okay, I *hate* that picutre of me–but this isn’t about me. It’s about my gorgeous friend there, ROBIN MILLER who has just sold her first book — BAYOU BURNING. I’m so excited for Robin–no, BEYOND excited. THRILLED! GIDDY!! She’s worked so hard and been through so very much. This is just a small reward for her diligence and brilliance. Bayou Burning, a Cajun romantic suspense sold to Steeple Hill and is represented by Kelly Mortimer of the Mortimer Literay Agency. Let me tell you–this is one book you’ll have to read! Robin is an amazing suspense writer and a fabulous friend. Please take a moment and send Robin congrats on this splendiferous news!!

Once Upon a Midnight Dreary…

Ronie Uncategorized 4 Comments

How I pondered weak and weary…lol…ah, Edgar Allen Poe had it down pat, didn’t he? πŸ˜€ Well, yesterday was a head-stomping day. Mine got battered, but I kicked back. Then this morning, on the way to the track, a thick haze filtered around us. It was quite creepy, I’ll readily admit. πŸ˜€ I’m a big chicken despite writing thrillers. LOL Anyway, as we pulled up and parked by the track, I could feel the chill of the early morning seeping into the truck. When I climbed out, I shuddered. Not only did thick fog hang around us, the dampness made the early morning frost seem that much heavier. Walking the track, one of my favorite things to do is to …

Bizzzeeee, Bizzzzeeeee

Ronie Uncategorized 3 Comments

Wow, what a crazzzeeee two weeks since conference. I’ve had to write a research paper, read a half-dozen chapters in my physiology book, start an online discussion–and that was just with my college. LOL I’ve also drove to Arkansas for my hubby’s grandmother’s funeral (it’s just so hard to believe Grandma Robertson is dancing with Grandpa in heaven, now. *sniffle*). In the midst of that, some great news has happened. My twin/clone, Dineen Miller, has an agent!! Neen signed with Mortimer Literary Agency and is busy getting her manuscript completed and edited to send off. I’m elated for Neen–she’s worked so very hard and is such a fabulous writer! And this story she’s working on–heavens! It’s awesome!!!!! The photo to …

ACFW Conference Photos

Ronie Uncategorized 7 Comments

~~Awesome Crit Buds: Me, Heather, Robin & Neen~~ Okay, I don’t know if it’s bad form to talk about all the wonderful things that happened at conference, but I’m going to do it. πŸ˜€ First, the biggest and most wonderful thing that happened was the healing I received under the guidance of Brandilyn Collins’ prayer Thursday night. that completely set the tone for me and my experience during conference. I’ll have to admit that I am glad there is no photo of that! Envision red, swollen eyes and a nose to match! πŸ˜€ Now…on to the the other really kewl stuff: First, I met up with my crit buddies and that is just the ultimate to be in teh company …

A brief interruption…

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I’ve returned from the FABULOUS ACFW CONFERENCE in Dallas. God did some really MIGHTY things that only He could have done. I’ll be writing about those next week…but not now. For now, I have to write a research paper, read the next chapter in my psychology book, study for a test, take the test, and go out of town for a funeral–all before Sunday. *sigh* So in lieu of some long diatribe, I offer a picture from this fab-o weekend.My buds all gussied up:Camy Tang, Me, Dineen Miller, Heather Tipton, Robin Cynclair Miller

Tommorrow, tomorrow! (Done in pirate language!)

Ronie Uncategorized 1 Comment

Aye, well, tomorrow is the beautiful day that my friends and Me con’ene in Dallas at a beautiful hotel for the writer’s confarnce o’ our belo’ed Acfw. Aye, me parrot concurs. Arrr, the weeks up t’ now have been fraught with stress, ups, downs, and those times whar you just want t’ hide under the co’ers and make the world go away. Gar, Where can I find a bottle o’rum? ————————-Arrr, but no more, gar! Tis’ time t’ party, gar! Aye, i’m so excited for this confarnce. I’m determined t’ rest, enjoy the time with friends God has gracioulsy gi’en me, and make new friends–and pray for those who be pitchin’ their stories. Aye. Ahoy, o’ course, I’ll post pictures …


Ronie Uncategorized 8 Comments

I’ve joined the ranks of mothers who are homeschooling and writing and doing a plethora of other things in a blog called Writer…Interrupted. My first post, Special Kids with Special Needs, is up now. Please, stop by and check it out. ——————————————————– No, there is no particular reason that I’ve posted Audrey’s picture here. I just wanted something that reflects me…and well, I’m an Audrey Hepburn lover, so I decided to post that. πŸ˜€ (BTW: that’s from her movie, Roman Holiday.) Life gets a little tough, doesn’t it? I’ve had a very tough emotional and stress-filled week, making decisions I don’t enjoy making. And why is it that each question I must answer is dependent on other things–other questions, which …

Where the Map Ends – Ultimate CSF/F Website

Ronie Uncategorized 5 Comments

Former fiction manager JEFF GERKE, a long-time advocate for those of us with a bent toward the weirder side of fiction, has launched a FANTASTIC website for Christian Science Fiction & Fantasy called WHERE THE MAP ENDS This site has a plethora of information, resources, and services made available. It includes editorial services by the master himself, Mr. Gerke, and links to CSFF websites, artists, authors, and interviews — first one is FRANK PERETTI!! This site is a great relief for those of us who love CSSF. I’d set the WHERE THE MAP ENDS site so that you’re updated when it’s updated. πŸ˜€ You won’t want to miss out on this baby. Oh! And Jeff even makes mention of MARCHER …

When the Heart Cries, by Cindy Woodsmall

Ronie Uncategorized 5 Comments

When the Heart CriesHannah Lapp was born and raised in an Old Order Amish home, without electricity, a telephone, or the right to follow her heart. Without her parents’ knowledge, she’s been in love with Mennonite Paul Waddell for years. When he asks her to marry him, she accepts, even though to do so will cause her family to avoid her for the rest of her life.Before Hannah and Paul reveal their relationship, tragedy strikes. In one unwelcome encounter, all that Hannah has known and believed is destroyed and she faces losing everything: her family, her fiancΓ©, and even her faith in God. Cindy Woodsmall is an artisan! The world she creates in When the Heart Cries will tug and …