It is a dream a long time in the making, but after years of toiling away at various manuscripts, I am delighted to announce that EMBERS, my first speculative novel, is RELEASED!! That means you can–BUY NOW!!!
A Review by Rel of
Good gracious, this girl can write!
The name Ronie Kendig is synonymous with adrenaline-laced, character-driven military thrillers so some may be surprised to see her name on Embers, a fantasy novel and the first in her Abiassa’s Fire series. Surprised you may be – delighted, thrilled, engrossed you will become!
Embers is a stellar story in all aspects: the characters intriguing, the world of the Nine Kingdoms brilliantly created, the adventure and action trademark Kendig, and the spiritual themes of sacrifice, betrayal, and redemption powerfully told.
Ronie Kendig has wicked speculative storytelling abilities that will come as no surprise to her devoted readers and is sure to garner her many new devotees. I’m enamoured with this series and can’t wait to continue Haegan’s tumultuous journey.