Today, the book I ordered from Amazon on the recommendation of Colonel Hall, a chaplain who works for the VA in counseling PTSD victims, arrived. It’s called DOWN RANGE: to Iraq and Back. I’m really looking forward to reading it. Another book I’ve been working my way through (and I do mean *working* because it’s very emotionally wrenching) is WHAT WAS ASKED OF US: An Oral History of the Iraq War by the Soldiers Who Fought it. I’ve cried (a lot) and laughed (with the guys), and learned so much. I’ll keep you posted on my reading.
Well, I have completed 2.5 rounds of edits and have received the first proofs for my spy thriller DEAD RECKONING. I have to turn those around by September 8. And I have to admit, this is crossing my eyes. LOL But it’s also very thrilling to see my manuscript in copyflow–the book layout format. TOO KEWL! Reading it like this has actually made it easier for me to find the mistakes. *cringe* Naturally, I want the book to rock.
Don’t forget–you can Pre-Order DEAD RECKONING now and save 40% off the cover price!
To my surprise, I got an email yesterday from my editor at Barbour, Becky Germany. Not surprised that she would email, but surprised to find out it’s time to get moving on the DISCARDED HEROES SERIES. Can you say OORAH!?!?!
She sent me the Publication Plan for the series, and the art fact sheet for the first book, NIGHTSHADE. I am so very excited to get back to work on this series to make it the absolute best it can be.
Trying to find covers that are similar to this book that I like is very difficult because I don’t like massive faces on the cover (not for the military series), and I can’t find one that is a good emulation of the story and what I want.
Do you have a favorite military action book cover you like? If so, share it with me!