Operation Zulu: Redemption, a groundbreaking 5-part serialized novel, has launched with the teaser episode, Overkill – The Beginning! Grab it now absolutely FREE!!!! Then come back for Part 1 – Collateral Damage on July 18th. In the mean time, read the teaser, then race over to www.teamzulu.com and join in the conversation on this thrilling serial about the all-female ops team known as Zulu!
Comments 3
CONGRATS to you, Ronie! That’s awesome. Looking forward to reading all of these.
I LOVE Zulu! I’m hoping that it will be coming out in paperback soon. It’s hard to remember what has happened from week to week but worth it.
The best series I have read. Zulu Redemption is loaded with excitement and hard to put down!! I definitely hope to see more seasons for Zulu in the future.