#32 Author Scavenger Hunt Stop #27 – Heather Burch Interview

Ronie Uncategorized 54 Comments

Having fun yet? It’s my great pleasure on this hunt to host/feature amazing YA author, Heather Burch, who is f32authorHun-postereaturing Avengers, the third book in her Halflings series.

So, you know how it works–read the interview, grab the clue, then continue on to the next clue. once you have been to all 31 stops, then return to http://www.crimsonpulsemedia.com and enter the entire clue text!

Now…without further ado, heeeeerre’s HEATHER!


First, I want to thank the amazing Ronie Kendig for having me drop by. Scavenger Hunt! So fun!
Q: Everyone seems to have a “how I got published” story. What is yours?

In 2005, God spoke to me that it was my year to do things that were important to me, but had been put on hold because of having such a busy lifeβ€”work, kids, ministry. Number one on my list of things I really wanted to accomplish was writing a book and finishing it. The following morning, I woke up one hour early. 5:00 a.m. I got up and started writing. With only one hour a day, I wrote my first book in a year.

BurchheathersmIn 2007, my husband told me I needed to quit my job and stay home to write. I thought he was crazy. We’d be taking $40,000 out of our budget for me to stay home and maybe not make a dime. But I did it. It took a few years of learning my craft, growing as an author, perfecting my voice. Then the Halflings idea hit me. It was odd. It was different. It was right up my alley. Six weeks after signing with the Spencerhill Literary Agency, we had an offer. The Halflings series sold as a three-book deal to Zondervan in 2011. I couldn’t believe it.

Q: Tell me a little about your books.

Halflings, Guardian and Avenger are the story of Nikki Youngblood, a seventeen-year-old being hunted by men and demons. She turns to three half-angel young men for protection. While an ancient evil stirsβ€”with plans to take over the human worldβ€”Nikki must admit there is a supernatural realm unraveling around her. And she alone may be the key to saving the race of Halflings she’s come to love.

Q: Who are your books aimed at and what are some of the challenges of writing for your audience?

They are about teenager for teenagers. However, anyone who has had a crisis of faith will relate to Nikki and her confusion about the new world she’s been thrust into. Throughout the three books, we see the glorious commitment of a loving Father who isn’t willing to cast anyone aside. That central truth has made the books a hit with adults as well as teens. So, I guess the books are for … whosoever will. πŸ˜‰
As far as challenges writing for teenagers, I have to be honest, I didn’t do a lot of research about how other authors write for teens. I have teens in the house and just wanted to write what I thought they would like to read. We’ve spent the last 15 to 20 years working with teenagers, so applying what I know of real teens in real situations helped me creatively. Today’s teens are savvy, intelligent, and can spot a fake a mile away. I just try to keep it real.

Q: In what ways does your faith impact how you approach writing?

God has been pretty straight forward with me about my job. Though I am a teacher by nature … and I love to discuss the Bible … God has made it clear to me that I write fiction. I have a responsibility to my audience, to the readers who spend their moneyβ€”and even more precious, spend their timeβ€”reading the words I write. First and foremost, I am to give them a great read. Now, because I’m a Christian and God fills my heart, His message will ultimately end up on the page. But it’s not my job to put it there, it’s His job through me. I just have to be open, honest, and always have my ear tuned to His music.

Q: How do you write? What’s a normal writing day like for you?

Burch avenger comp 3bI try to get in a minimum of five to six hours uninterrupted writing time each day. I usually begin in the morning around 7:00 a.m. I used to get up at 5:00 and write because that was when my husband left for work. Now, he leaves later, so I begin later. I have to have coffee or a latte at my side. I write until around noon or one then hunger gets the best of me, so I stop, eat, and begin social networking for an hour or two. I try to write every week day, but I will give myself the luxury of days off when I think my mind needs the mental break.

I’m not a plotter, so when beginning a new book, I often only know bits of information. There is a lot of daydreaming and wondering that happens before I launch into a new projectβ€”I think my brain is working out the story in my subconscious. I rarely begin a new book before knowing the voice of my main character. That’s something I can’t really explain, but when I begin to hear the main character in my head, I know the story has percolated enough to begin writing. Yeah, I know. It’s weird. πŸ™‚

Q: Do you listen to music when you write?

No. I’m very easily distracted, so it’s total silence for me. Unless you count teenagers in the next room playing video games and bragging about who has the best skills. That’s my music. And honestly, some of their conversation ends up on my pages. They have great one-liners!

Q: Does anyone else in your family have musical/writing/artistic skills?

My seventeen-year-old is a self-taught artist. He’s really dedicated and I believe he’ll be able to pursue it as a career. My older son is a musician. He can play multiple instruments and sings. They both write. Can you tell I think they’re amazing? Proud mom moment. πŸ™‚

Q: How would you like to be remembered? She walked with God.

Here’s how to connect with Heather. . .

Facebook facebook.com/heatherburchbooks
Twitter https://twitter.com/heatherburch
Goodreads www.goodreads.com/author/show/498102.Heather_Burch
Author website www.heatherburchbooks.com

It’s been such a pleasure to host Heather Burch for this Holiday Scavenger Hunt! I’ve enjoyed her first book (haven’t gotten to the others–my bad that has nothing to do with her or the stories), and I hope you’ll read her Halflings series, if you haven’t already!

All you amazing readers on the hunt are probably looking for your next clue, well here it is: “be able to”–now, off you go to the next stop on the scavenger hunt and for your next interview and next clue. Click HERE


Of course, if you’re lost or if you’ve finished collecting all the clues you can go HERE to enter the full mystery phrase and bring your scavenger hunt to a close. I hope you’ve enjoyed learning about all the amazing books and authors on the tour, and hopefully you’ve entered the many giveaways on their sites.

WarDogCoversANNNDD Now…for my own personal giveaway: The Entire A Breed Apart series, which includes TRINITY, TALON, & BEOWULF! That’s right–leave a comment below (with a way to contact you) and you will be entered to win one of each of these books!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Comments 54

  1. Debbie Mitchell

    Okay, I didn’t see that I had to mention what I thought of Heather’s books. The are intriguing and on my tbr list.

  2. Jonathan Lally

    I’m completely intrigued by Heather’s Halflings series. I enjoy books that involve the spiritual realm and the fight between good and evil that highlight the unseen forces of our world.

    Blessing to all you authors for serving our Lord and writing in His name!!

  3. Abbi Hart

    I really enjoyed the Halflings books! Avenger was my favorite and I stayed up super late just to finish it! Also want to say that I adore your books Ronie! I’ve read them all and I’m currently reading an e-ARC of Beowulf which is just as good as the rest! Thank you so much for this chance to win!

  4. Donna Hughes

    Hello Ms Kendig, I recently found your books and I love them! I love dog stories the most I think. I am trying to patiently await Beowulf, but it is hard. lol God bless you and yours, best wishes on your adoption of a true war hero. May you have a wonderful Christmas. Donna

  5. Lady DragonKeeper

    Mrs. Burch’s books sound very unique! I’ll have to see if they’re in our library system. πŸ™‚ Thanks for the chance to win some of your books, Mrs. Kendig! My mom loved “Talon” –I should see if I can borrow it from her!


  6. Delaney

    Your Halfings series sounds brilliant! Will read. And I can’t see half of the page… Hoping this is just affecting me…

  7. Lynda E.

    I loved Trinity and would love to win a copy of the whole set so I can read it soon! Thanks for participating and for the bonus giveaway.

    1. Lynda E.

      And Heather, your books sound great–I love your perspective that God will put His message in your writing as you are obedient to Him!

  8. C Marie

    I haven’t read the series, but it looks really good and I definitely want to. And I am most definitely a dog person. πŸ™‚

  9. Julie Smith

    Hmmm, sounds like it might be a bit scary, but I’d be willing to check the first one out. If it is edifying, then I’d happily read the rest and pass them along to my friends!

  10. Lisa Godfrees

    I read Halflings when it first came out. I have the other books in the series but haven’t read them yet.

    I thought the book was a great read for YA. I was a little concerned about the theology behind the salvation state (the fact they couldn’t be redeemed?) of the halflings. I’m guessing more will be explained in later books. πŸ™‚

  11. Jaquelyn Scroggie

    I would LOVE to win this series!! And would be interested in reading the halflings series as well! Thank you for the opportunity!

  12. Sierra Faith

    They Haflings series sounds really good!!!!! Halflings that word reminds me of the Hobbits on Lord of the Ring πŸ™‚

  13. Laura Pol

    My friends really enjoyed the Halflings series! I donated mine to my local library! πŸ™‚
    sylvesternator (at) yahoo (dot) com

  14. ladysaotome

    The Halfling series sounds fascinating. And half-Angel is not what first popped in my mind when I heard “halfling” – but that’s what too much Tolkien does to a person. πŸ˜‰

  15. Debora Wilder

    Heather’s series, “The Halflings” sounds great. She is an author I’ve never heard of before. I’m so glad she is a part of this scavenger hunt. That is a big part of the fun of these hunts, finding new authors. Thanks for the chance to win your A Breed Apart series, they all look fabulous.

  16. Kristen Johnson

    Oops! Didn’t know it was to comment on the series.
    As a lover of anything spec, I am so excited to read these. On my list.

  17. Julie

    Ronie, your series looks very good! thanks for being a part of the hunt so I may find out about them. (I think my mom would like them too!)
    Heather, I believe I have one of your Halfling books on my Kindle app – Now, I can’t wait to read it! I hope it’s the first one!

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