Wow, Thursdays come fast, don’t they? At least they do for me, since I avoid them. LOL Especially this time with me being in AR again for the weekend/Christmas. It was quite odd not having Grandma there for the holidays this time. Christmas morning, one of the twins woke me up with his moaning. I looked across the hotel room and saw him rubbing his belly. I shouted for him to get to the bathroom. He made it just time to hurl. Lovely, right? Merry Christmas, dear. Well, by the time we get home Monday, hubby is ill and stays in bed ALL DAY LONG. Poor guy. Then…it hits ME the next morning. GREAT. Just what I don’t need. But do you think **I** get to stay in bed all day long? WHERE IS THE JUSTICE?? *grins* Between yesterday and today, I’ve had a package of saltines. I’m going to get adventurous tonight and attempt the bowl of chicken noodle soup (no, unlike Robin & Shannon, it’s NOT homemade–sorry. I’m good, but not THAT good) I made last night and couldn’t eat.
So, I have these crit partners and they’re really into this goal thing. And I’m sitting here wondering if this is what they’re talking about:
Probably not, huh? Sigh. Well, fine. But why do they have to drag me into New Year’s Goals/Resolutions?? These blogs are cursed with tags (beware!). The thing is, I am constantly making goals and pinning catch phrases to my computer that keep me focused and on task. Besides, when you have crit partners like Ron, Neen & Robin, you won’t be off-track very long, at least not in your writing. After the ACFW conference, Ron sent us all a bumper sticker that I’ve taped permanently to my monitor. It says, “CRITICISM: it’s not for the weak.” And trust me, if you’ve ever had a crit by those three…you realize real quick whether you’re weak or strong ! LOL
All right, all right. I’ll list some goals…things I hope to achieve. But like Robin said in her blog, there are things that you just can’t control. So, with that in mind, I make these goals/hopes known:
General Goals:
1. To finish my BS in Psychology (only two semesters!! Woo-hoo). My new mantra here: D is for Diploma. D is for diploma. π
2. To be the mother I want to be and homeschool with enthusiasm (is that really possible? Anyone know?? LOL *just kidding*)
3. To do everything I can to improve and grow in my writing
4. To write EVERY day (I do this already, but I have to stay on top of it, especially when the semester starts–doubt I’ll win any more word-count contests with ACFW for a while LOL) .
5. To pray daily for my hubby and his career opportunities
6. To pray daily for my CP’s, their families, and their writing
7. To be the best friend that I can possibly be
8. To get a contract by an agent and/or an editor
Date-specific goals for Writing:
1. To finish Midnight Zone by February 30 (I know, I know–there is NO 30th…what’s your point?)
2. To clean up my space opera Brand & Bound (which I wrote in 30 days–yes, I’m proud of myself!!) by January 30 and get a proposal ready on it.
On Camy’s blog, she mentioned that she has a “word” for next year (hers is perseverance). When I read that, the word that hit me? CHANGE. Oh, geezy peas! Lord, what ARE you doing? Remember…when you can’t see what the hand of God is doing, trust His heart.
Comments 8
I’m going to be nice and NOT comment on the BS, but babe, that’s what a lot of your college courses issues have been! LOL
Good set of “goals”…..I like them.
And you’re gonna finish MZ by the end of FEB?????? Bring it on, baby! LOL (um, if I say about time, do you hit me?)
LOL Well I was going to make a comment on the BS… but seeing as my twisted sista did… I’ll leave it alone :-p
What’s really sad, is I KNEW y’all woudl start in on that. But yeah, it’s been a lot of that with this new program they’ve instituted at the univeristy. But once I have my degree, I won’t care.
I know, Robin…end of february. So…um, anybody know a spy I can talk to that won’t kill me afterward? LOL
LOL, spy that won’t kill you…That’s funny. Oh, what a good list. I like yours. I’m still chewing on mine…and gagging!
Yay!!! You made your goals! Just remember that they’re not supposed to tie you down. I never make my goals 100%–I don’t really try to. Like I told Dineen, they’re there to either inspire me or give me an excuse to eat Ben & Jerry’s.
LOL on no. 1, and I hear you on no. 2. I like Camy’s take on goals. I’m keeping that in mind while I’m thinking of my own.
Hope your family heals completely soon, Ronie. π
I think that the answer to the homeschool question is directly related to whether or not one of your children are having a lightbulb moment (or if you are really blessed, a lightbulb DAY). :0) I love those aha moments.
I like your word. Can’t wait to see where it take you this year.