Sneak Peek – TALON!

Ronie Uncategorized 10 Comments

Hey, Peeps! I got a special surprise for you. BUT!! You have to agree to ignore typos! LOL Here, with the permission of my publisher, is a sneak peek of the first 3 chapters of TALON (releases May 1st!!). Just for you, my fabulous readers!!!


Who loves you now?!?!? 😀




Leave a comment and tell me what you think, pretty please?!?! Personally, TALON is one of my all-time favorite stories.

Comments 10

  1. Laura

    Wow – this is fast-paced right from the get-go. Love how it starts with so many unanswered questions – who is Dane really? Why is Austin in Djibouti? And how is Talon going to fare through whatever is coming. Can’t wait for more!

  2. Ian

    I’m convinced you’ve spent time in a war zone, Ronie. Incredible how you capture the essence of the action, the fear, panic, courage, sound, and speed of thought (and everything else that goes on).

    Really pleased Heath, Trinity & Darci have already scored a mention.

    So, I’m ready. Can wait to read it. As Laura says so many unanswered questions that we’re keen to discover the answers too whilst getting to know another wonderful 4-legged creature, Talon.

    Thanks for sharing this sneak-peek, Ronie.


  3. Delsie Konoske

    These 3 chapters pull a person right into the intrigue and makes me want to read more. So I will definitely get the book to add to my collection. I already have Trinity and loved it.

  4. Abbi Hart

    Oh my goodness! This was simply amazing! It is pure torture that I have to wait until May to read the rest! I am already completely sucked into the story and would happily read the rest of this in one sitting. I loved getting this early preview but now the wait is even worse!

  5. Lynn :O)

    You certainly know how to torture a gal. Give me 3 chapters of awesomeness and then make me wait.
    I guess if these guys can overcome the dangers I know you are about to put them through then I can use my self control and be patient.
    Thank you for using your God given talent to bless the rest of the world. It is much appreciated.

  6. Amy

    WOW! I just finished reading “Trinity” and my pulse is still racing. I was exhausted (mentally and emotionally) afterwards, but was anxious to read more. How thrilling to see that the next book is coming out soon. “Trinity” was the first book I’ve read by Ronie, but it will definintely not be the last!

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