HOOAH!! Here she is, WILLOW, Book 2 in the Metcalfes. Canyon’s little sister in the fight of her life!
She’s been around the world, seen it all, and has come to easily recognize heroes—her brothers, after all, are some of the world’s finest. For that reason, she’s confounded by one of the captors holding her, her team, and two dozen Nigerians hostage. The man seems … familiar.
Join Willow Metcalfe as she and her friends fight for freedom in Spring 2022.
I’m really happy with how her cover came out thanks to Jenny Zemenk. Willow has a lot of playful spunk but is hardcore focused on her work with MiLE at a humanitarian compound. The entire Metcalfes series will confront human trafficking and hopefully peel back the dark shroud that has allowed it become such a powerful and terrible industry—yes, an industry!
WILLOW will be available this spring (depending on edits, formatting, and printing) in both digital and print! Watch for more details to come!
Comments 1
I love to read all your books and can’t wait for Willow to be published.