I have an agent – Steve Laube

Ronie agent, spy, Steve Laube 10 Comments

I have an agent!!!!!!! Admist the plethora of boxes, packing tape, sore fingers, and grouchy dispositions the call came yesterday–Steve Laube of the Steve Laube Literary Agency offered representation. BOOYAH!!!!!! The time? Two-oh-six-pm to be exact. (Yes, I have it down exactly. Wouldn’t you??) My awesome crit buds and I had always said it would come when you least expect it. So very true. You see, my cell phone glitched out on me. Instead of the way-kewl song I have programmed in, the stupid thing would wail out like a European siren going NEE-NEER, NEE-NER! I was aggravated with it and snatched it from my daughter who was alarmed by the heinous ringer!! LOL I answered. It went something like …


Ronie romance, spies, spy 4 Comments

I’m done with my contemporary romance, Rhyme & Reason. Oh, what’s with the Spanish word, acabé, you might be asking? It means “I finished!” Darn thing gave me fits at the end, but I think I got it down satisfactorily. the first ending I wrote made me cry–cuz it was bad, not a tear-jerker. 😀 But then I rewrote it. And rewrote it. Till finally–the ending felt right. I really love this story, and already it is affecting families. I’ve sent it off to Camy Tang for her to wield her wasabi genius at it. Here’s praying I recognize my manuscript when it comes back. It’s a new year. Already my family is faced with HUGE uncertainties…my hubby is without …