Hey, everyone!! With this being the release month for DIGITALIS, things are a-flurry! 😀 I’m working on edits for Wolfsbane–WOOFTA (as the beautiful & amazing Kim Vogel Sawyer says), they’re kicking my BEE-HIND! But we’re almost done, and I am going to owe a ton to the fabulous Julee Schwarzburg for making Wolfsbane RAWK!! Lots of things are happening behind the scenes, and I will be bringing some really great news your way very soon. How’s that for a teaser? ::grins:: Below you’ll find links to this weeks’ sites that have interviews and are doing giveaways. Be sure to stop by and say howdy, let the folks know we appreciate their help! THE CHRISTIAN MANIFESTO and Barbour are giving away …
Nightshade – Lime Award 2010 Recipient!!
What a Christmas delight! The Christian Manifesto named NIGHTSHADE among their Lime Awards 2010, which is their top ten fiction picks. I’m so honored and surprised they chose NIGHTSHADE!! It’s listed as #10, so I think I made it by the skin on my teeth. ha! Other authors who made the list also happen to be a couple of my writing heroes: Robert Liparulo (FRENZY) and Steven James (The Bishop)!! Amazing, amazing writers. I’m honored to see NIGHTSHADE listed among them!