Woo-hooo!!!!!! I am ECSTATIC for my dear friend, Robin Caroll, and the release of her first full-length novel, Deliver Us From Evil (B&H Publishing). Robin really hit her stride with this release, and it’s such an honor to host her here for an interview (of course, I know all her dirty secrets, but I won’t be sharing those with ya–the whole trust thing, ya know. ::grins::).
Why did you start writing?
I’ve always had stories to tell. Even in lower elementary school, I would write out stories in my notebooks. I began writing toward publication in the early 2000s.
You have a number of books out with Steeple Hill Love Inspired Suspense. But this is your first full-length fiction. Can you tell us what that means to you, and how it’s been a different experience working with the B&H team?
Just writing a category versus a single title is so different. The word count is much longer, so you have to adjust the pacing of the story. The conflict and tension can be spread out more in a single title length book. Several subplots can be woven into a single title. Working with the B&H team has been AMAZING. From the editing to the marketing to the art design of the cover and book trailer, to the sales team, as well as the assistants and administrators, I’ve had the most positive experience ever. I love the B&H family, and yes, we really DO think of each other as family.
Many of your books involve injustice scenarios. Why is that a passion for you? Injustice is something that truly stirs my passion. So many people deal with injustice on a daily basis—my own family included. I believe, as Christians, we’re called to stand up for injustices. I hope my stories reveal that despite injustices in life, God is always with us.
Why do you write?
Because it’s part of who I am. I don’t think I could ever NOT write.
What would you be doing with your free time if you weren’t writing?
Scrapbooking and spending more time with family and friends
What are you working on right now?
Right now, I’m completing the last book in the “evil” trilogy.
Tell us about the book you have out right now.Deliver Us From Evil is about a beautiful yet tough woman working in a beautiful yet tough setting, Brannon Callahan is a search and rescue helicopter pilot for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Strong faith and a decorated history of service have kept her one step ahead of on-the-job dangers, but there’s no precedent for what’s about to happen. After a blizzard takes down a small plane carrying U.S. Marshal Roark Holland (already haunted by a recent tragedy), Brannon must save him in more ways than one and safeguard the donor heart he’s transporting to a government witness on the edge of death. Otherwise the largest child trafficking ring in history—with shocking links from Thailand to Tennessee—will slip further away into darkness along the Appalachian Trail.
How important is faith in your books?
Very important because my faith is important to me as a person. I don’t think you can pull out the faith element in a personality in real life, and I certainly don’t want to do that in my characters.
What is your favorite book you’ve written and why?
Now that’s like asking a parent who their favorite child is! LOL Each book has elements that hold special places in my heart.
What is your writing schedule like?
Crazy? LOL I normally try to “work” between 8-2, to work around my children’s schedules. But life often interrupts, or deadlines sneak up on me, and then all bets are off! LOL
Born and raised in
Comments 5
Why do you write?
Because it’s part of who I am. I don’t think I could ever NOT write.
This hit a nerve. During my "dark year" when I almost gave up writing completely (2007-08ish), I'd slipped into what was close to a depression. I had a million excuses why I didn't have time to write, but I may as well have tried to quit breathing. I'd check on your blogs every now and then. It was like self-torture because I'd miss it so much. But then I'd convince myself again that I was too busy, my back hurt, blahblahblah. I could make a list. I think it was when I saw one of Robin's books on the shelf in Borders that I finally got over myself. I bought the book (Bayou Justice) and set it on my little laptop desk. It's still there, reminding me of a lady who'd almost given up at one point but held on to her dream and, despite absolutely terrible circumstances, achieved her goal. It reminds me that I have nothing to complain about. God has given me a talent and to ignore it is like turning down a fantastic gift. I loved Deliver us from Evil, by the way. And I can't wait for my Ronie in an Amazon box!
Awesome interview, ladies! So exciting to see you both succeeding. So inspiring. So blessed to be on this journey with both of you.
Yes, your why do you write answer, and Ron Estrada's comment both hit nerves for me. I can't not write, so why bother feeling frustrated – what happens was never in my hands anyway.
Love the interview, girls 🙂 The book is a keeper, for sure!
Ron, you truly have made my day!
D, we luvs ya!
Thanks for sharing, Sheila!