Hey, everyone! Listen up! I’ve got the Loud Asian Chick on my blog today. That’s right–Camy Tang is featured here, and I’m so thrilled and honored to share her new book with you. But first – I have to confess. I think I was supposed to do an interview with Camy. 🙁 Sigh. I’m terribly sorry to both you and Camy for failing in this. Our family has had some exciting and unexpected things happening, and I’ve been caught in that whirlwind. However, I’m really hoping Camy will let me feature her again, soon. She’s a really kewl friend, so stick close and pray hard. LOL Now, on to her book. I got the extreme pleasure of reading Only Uni …
Win Sushi for One? by Camy Tang
I am DELIGHTED to bring you my good friend and crit partner CAMY TANG and her hilarious Asian chick-lit book, Sushi for One?, out now from Zondervan. This photo from last year’s ACFW conference shows me with the Loud Asian Chick. The girl is absolutely amazing writer, sweet (she’ll love me for that one), and a wonderful friend. Now, on to Camy’s interview: 1.) What inspires you to write? I love writing, but I also rest in the knowledge that this is trulywhat God wants for me to do. He asked me to lay down my writing oncebefore, and then gave me the green light to pick it up again, so Iknow that this writing is something He approves of …