Tsk. Tsk. I am way behind on announcing winners. So sorry, y’all! I’ve been coordinating the national contest for the American Christian Fiction Writers’ Book of the Year contest, and things are finally at a pace that allows my head above water! LOL Now I’m playing ketchup…er, catch up. Without further ado, here are the winners (gathered from both my Shoutlife page and this blog): TAMING RAFE goes to LINDA!! ONLY UNI goes to Karin!! Ladies, please email me with your snail mail addresses so we can get these books out to you! Now…on to other stuff. π Easter. Wow, this year it came and went before so fast, I think the Easter Bunny must’ve had a jet pack on! …
WIN ONLY UNI by Camy Tang!
Okay, so I admit–with red-hot cheeks–that a MONTH ago when I thought I was LATE doing Camy’s blog…well, I was actually a MONTH early. So anyway, here’s the REAL DEAL with Camy–and the interview, along with that same promise to WIN A FREE COPY of ONLY UNI by the amazing CAMY TANG!!! 1. You now have two books available for the public, with your third coming out in August 2008. Is there anything you’ve learned in the process since you signed that contract that you want to share? Not all publishing houses are the same, and certain editors/marketing directors/art departments have a better fit with certain author personalities. I know for a fact God completely guided my publishing house to …
Win Only Uni by Camy Tang!
Hey, everyone! Listen up! I’ve got the Loud Asian Chick on my blog today. That’s right–Camy Tang is featured here, and I’m so thrilled and honored to share her new book with you. But first – I have to confess. I think I was supposed to do an interview with Camy. π Sigh. I’m terribly sorry to both you and Camy for failing in this. Our family has had some exciting and unexpected things happening, and I’ve been caught in that whirlwind. However, I’m really hoping Camy will let me feature her again, soon. She’s a really kewl friend, so stick close and pray hard. LOL Now, on to her book. I got the extreme pleasure of reading Only Uni …