Excitement & Stress

Ronie Uncategorized 10 Comments

Ever notice excitement and stress sometimes go hand in hand? Well, they did this last Friday. The Fantastic Four’s four-in-one series, Saving Wicklow, got an invite to submit more information to the publisher we pitched at the ACFW conference last September!! We were stunned–and not because we didn’t believe in our writing (cuz lemme tell ya–those are some AWESOME stories *wink*). The shock was birthed out of the fact that several people told us it would never get published. Why? Well, because none of us are book published. It’s unheard of, they said. No publisher will do it. Fortunately for us, a publisher is smart enough to see the potential of this family-based series. Here’s praying God’s best for the …

Stuck on Stupid

Ronie Uncategorized 8 Comments

Last year, while New Orleans Mayor Nagin worked to prepare for prepared for Hurricane Rita, reporters badgered him about what went wrong during Hurricane Katrina, and how they could have better prepared, and how to prevent another Katrina. Anxoius to get on with the mobilization, General Russell Honore said he wouldn’t answer those questions and then told them, “don’t get stuck on stupid.” That’s one of my favorite phrases now because I do that in life. I get stuck on things that aren’t important–that are just plain STOOPID! For instance, lately I have been battling battles that is not battle-able (Okay, so that’s not a word, but you get the point!!). Homeschooling is one. It’s absolutely exhausting. The kids are …

Brand & Bound…and Serenity

Ronie Uncategorized 5 Comments

My space opera Brand & Bound is my pride and joy right now. LOL I’m proud of the fact I wrote the 100k piece in roughly thirty days. I’m proud that it’s probably my strongest writing yet. Yet for half the time that I was writing it, I mourned the ending. I’d crafted a character ruled by honor, and in the end, he HAD to do the HONORABLE thing. So, it ended a bit tragically. The reaction I am getting as my dear friends critique this story is…well, volatile. LOL Granted, the piece needed an epilogue (I know, I know, Robin…it did! LOL)–so I finally wrote one. But the story ended the only way that Marco could have to retain …


Ronie Uncategorized 5 Comments

FANTASTIC FOUR STRIKES AGAIN My crit buds, Ron Estrada, Robin Miller, and Dineen Miller and I are doing a sort of round robin storyboard-idea-type thing. Ready for my confession? I am totally out of my element. LOL Panic? Yeah, absolutely. I mean, it’s hard enough to write a story where you “control” the story (cuz we all know you can’t control characters!! *grin*), but when you have four strong writers doing a composite story like this…well…it should be interesting to say the least. LOL And if it all falls apart, we’ll blame it on Ron–it was his idea after all. Plus, he’s the only guy, so it’s an automatic exclusion. Right? *wink* So, let’s speculate. With four different authors, two …

Makeover Mayhem

Ronie Uncategorized 8 Comments

Doncha love it?? I am THRILLED with this new look for my blog. And who do I have to thank?? None other than Heather Diane Tipton, friend extraordinaire and partner of Out There Author Services. The poor girl thought this would be an easy makeover. TSK. TSK. Doesn’t she know how picky…er, particular I am. LOL I did tell her I wanted something “otherworldly.” Of course, we won’t mention how many things I asked her to change, or how, for hours on end, she would say, Here ya go. Anything else? And I’d say, Now that you mention it…. Then finally…voilà! My madeover blog. Not bad, eh???Actually, it’s SUPERB!! I totally love it (what’s that, the UMPTEENTH time I’ve said …

Soup & Ghouls…I mean, GOALS

Ronie Uncategorized 8 Comments

Wow, Thursdays come fast, don’t they? At least they do for me, since I avoid them. LOL Especially this time with me being in AR again for the weekend/Christmas. It was quite odd not having Grandma there for the holidays this time. Christmas morning, one of the twins woke me up with his moaning. I looked across the hotel room and saw him rubbing his belly. I shouted for him to get to the bathroom. He made it just time to hurl. Lovely, right? Merry Christmas, dear. Well, by the time we get home Monday, hubby is ill and stays in bed ALL DAY LONG. Poor guy. Then…it hits ME the next morning. GREAT. Just what I don’t need. But …