Raptor 6 Cover Reveal!!! & Giveaway!

Ronie Uncategorized 89 Comments

Okay, I cannot be any more excited! Last summer, I requested my publisher switch to a new designer of my choosing–Kirk DouPonce of DogEared Design. The man is a creative genius and his designs have graced some of my all-time favorite covers.
One of the cool elements of the Raptor 6 cover is the Raptor Team symbol that the cover designer created. I think it’s tough, intense, and tres cool.


You might remember the “Help Me Find Dean Watters” campaign, where we hunted for a real veteran to grace the cover of Raptor 6. We indeed found a Special Forces veteran, nominated by his wife. They are a truly neat couple. When I talked to him, he said the only reason he’d was doing the cover was because, “my wife thinks it’d be cool.” Love a man dedicated to his country, his family, and God! Hooah!! 

(Names omitted for privacy and protection–please respect this. If you recognize the veteran, please do not mention his name. All comments will be moderated!)


Without further ado, here is the amazing and intense cover for Raptor 6, Quiet Professionals Book 1. 

Β Rap6CoverHR

His mission. His team.

Those elements are the laser-like focus of Captain Dean Watters’ life. When a threat is launched against both of them, Dean’s Special Forces training kicks into the highest gear possible. Failing to stop the hackers coming after the military’s super-computer isn’t an option.

Zahrah Zarrick is a missionary teacher to Afghan children in Mazar-e Sharif. And a target. Her expertise in algorithm cryptology makes her an unwitting pawn in the hacker’s deadly game.

When Zahrah is captured, compromising the US military, Dean is forced to crack the box around his heart. A move that might come at the highest cost.

Now…the giveaway. One commenter will win copies of TRINITY and TALON!! You earn extra points by tweeting this amazing cover, sharing it on Pinterest, following me on Facebook, etc.! You *must* comment on the blog to even be eligible!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Comments 89

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  1. Nancy S. Henson

    I think that this cover rocks … what a way to honor those that serve! I’ve absolutely loved all of your book series’ that you’ve done … and can’t wait to get into this one as well!.

    Thank you for being obedient to the Lord in using the talent He has given you.

    Blessings in the journey!

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  2. Mary Foster

    Ronie, Congratulations on a great cover. I can’t wait to read it and share with others. Meanwhile, if I win this set I will definitely share with others. God bless! Mary

  3. R Pullen

    Gorgeous cover and image. It’s nice to see a real life veteran as the cover model rather than a model pretending to do what these men and women did in real life for you and me.

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  4. Jeff Ford

    Stumbled on your work via the scavenger hunt this year… haven’t read anything yet, but I’m intrigued to say the least! Like the cover!

  5. Mocha with Linda

    Woot!! So, so, so excited!! To quote a dear, sweet friend of mine, this cover RAWKS!!!! πŸ™‚

    Love it, and love how God has blessed you with it and used you and this process to bless a veteran!

    Can’t wait to hold it in my hands!


    (Don’t enter me in the drawing…)

  6. Clari Dees

    Squee! I love, love, love it! And I’m so thrilled that you found heroes to use on your cover! I am excited to read this series and watch for the other covers! I will definitely be sharing this.

  7. HeatherN.

    Ok, someone pass the smelling salts I think I may have a case of the vapors coming on LOL. Very, very, very, very cool cover. Stunning.

  8. Peg Phifer

    Be still my heart! Wow, Ronie. Fantastic cover. Really eager to read this new series. Also can’t wait to see the real veterans who will be on the next books.

  9. Betti

    I haven’t read either of these books, and the cover for the new series is fabulous! Please thank the gentleman for allowing his face to be used and also thanks for his service for all of us and his country! I can hardly wait to sit down and read. Would love to win Trinity and Talon!

  10. MaryAnn Frerichs

    Love the cover. I’m actually reading Talon right now, started it yesterday. I would be farther but my mom needed a driver to take her to my nieces’ (twins), her granddaughters graduation.


  11. Moriah

    I love that the guy on the cover of Raptor 6 is a real military hero and not some good looking model. And if I picked up this book at a bookstore randomly I would definitely read about it based on how cool the cover looks. I can’t wait to read Raptor 6. πŸ™‚

  12. Evelitza

    I love the cover for Raptor 6 and it’s awesome that he is an actually military hero. :).
    Great books. God bless and keep up the wonderful writing. πŸ™‚

  13. Jen

    I love the personal touch – although its what is inside that counts, if the cover is bad its hard sometimes to be willing to put out the money for the book. This cover however is super and does a great job conveying what I’m guessing is inside πŸ™‚ Great cover layout – and I love the fact that it is featuring a “real” person and not just some model somewhere.

  14. Kristen Piwetz

    Is it OK for me to be doing a HAPPY DANCE with you on this one?! Five-star veteran model, future 5-star book on the shelves! Thanks for bringing us so much enjoyment through your oh-so-talented writing! I know it’s a LOT of hard work, but you do it SO well!

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  15. Lucy

    What a fantastic cover! I love that you were able to find a real veteran to use as a model. Absolutely fabulous! I can’t wait to read this one!

  16. Ane Mulligan

    And what a wonderful day to reveal it. It’s absolutely gorgeous and knowing your heart for our warriors, what a thrill for you! Thanks for sharing it with us, Ronie!!!

  17. Jorie

    Ms. Kendig,

    First off, what struck me instantly about this book cover is the representation of the inspiration behind the stories — the soldier, himself! Whilst I volunteer to give homefront joy to those who are deployed, the members of my family who served are long since gone. I do not have the stories or memories of their service to guide me as far as to understand better the day-to-day of a soldier’s life. {I use this loosely, as when I say ‘soldier’ I am generally speaking about all servicemen and women, despite knowing their each given a different attribution!} Each letter I pen, and each response I am blessed to receive, clues me in a bit more of their life and world whilst deployed. I commend them with the utmost respect and surround them with compassion and honour, even when I do not have a ‘glimpse’ because I know that their job is one of the hardest to handle. When I saw this cover, it’s close to how my own imagination imagines their day-to-day world.

    Their dedication to life, liberty, and service shines through their eyes and countenance. They have a genuine presence of strength and grit, which when combined with the team symbol, you know that this is someone who has a story to share. This is someone who has lived and breathed a life that many of us cannot comprehend completely due to what they face whilst they serve, but you can see it in the details. You can attribute what your about to read and draw further empathy for simply by viewing this cover.

    It’s a beautiful cover to showcase capturing a picture of a soldier in a moment of service — it’s nearly as though the photographer snapped the shot in-between what he was called to do at that very moment the lens clicked. It’s a second of his life, stilled and contained in that one shot. And, I think that is very real and true. Whenever I see photographs of soldiers in service, I gain one grain of insight into their world, and have one humble observation of what they face whilst they serve their country.

    I look forward to dig into this book! As like I said previously, I have a sampling of your books on my ILL list, and I cannot wait for each of them to arrive so that I can dig into your stories, as I have been longing to find quality military fiction about the men and women I support as a civilian volunteer. Thank you for your dedication and for giving such a hearty voice to those whose actions and valor might otherwise go unnoticed.


    PS: I sorted out how to comment on your blog! I just switched the ‘zoom out’ setting!! Eek. So happy right now! πŸ™‚

  18. Abbi Hart

    I LOVE the cover! So so cool! And yeah that symbol is awesome! I honestly cannot wait to read this book! I have absolutely loved all of your novels including Talon which I just finished last week. Beowulf and Raptor 6 cannot come out fast enough for me!

  19. Grace

    Love the cover!! I’m so excited to read the book!! πŸ™‚ Btw I read a lot…a lot of books. But No matter what you are still my most favorite author!!! I’m not a big fan of the long wait till the next book comes out:))

  20. Beth K. Vogt

    Thank you for honoring the military in your books — and in this cover specifically, Ronie. It’s a superb cover. I love that the veteran’s wife nominated him — and that he’s doing it because she thought it would be cool.

  21. Ginger Solomon

    I don’t need the books, I’m already blessed to own them both (LOVED THEM), but I wanted to take a moment and say what an awesome cover that is and to thank the veteran who posed for the picture, and all veterans for their service, along with their families. Blessings.

  22. ali knecht

    When I go to the library, I always pray to be lead to what He has for me. That is how I came upon your series of the Discarded Heroes (read them all in just a few days time- and LOVED them!) To my delight, when I returned those, I found Talon, which again, LOVED! Upon returning that one, I informed the librarian of your newest release which is now on order, and of course, I am the first in line for the call when it comes in. ……….Still waiting!
    The way you paint the pictures of all the action, draws me in and I am there with them! Like many readers, I will only bother with a book if it captivates me from the start. There is nothing boring about your writing. I’m not much into the romance parts or their constant self-doubting, but the action keeps me going. That’s just me, though, I’ve never been into the romance aspect. I do greatly appreciate that you keep all of the descriptives modest and clean, yet realistic.
    I look forward to many more writings from you! Your “style” works for me!

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      1. ali knecht

        I’m pretty happy about it, too πŸ˜‰
        Thank YOU!
        I’ve added every one of them to “Books Read” on my fb, as well.
        You are welcome. They are soooooooooo worth sharing!

  23. Lauren

    Thank you so much for writing such wonderful fiction! I loved your Discarded Heroes series and look forward to starting your new series, as well as reading Raptor Six. What a gorgeous cover!

  24. ali knecht

    Oh my goodness! I got so wrapped up in recalling my adventure in finding/LOVING your books, that I forgot to mention the new cover! It totally rocks! What an HONOR to have a TRUE HERO’s face to complete your latest tribute to those who lay it on the line for all of us! Stellar!

    Correction for previous post:

    I apologize for incorrectly referring to Talon as having read it. That is what I am waiting for! Trinity is actually the one read. …..Will the real title please stand up πŸ˜‰ !

  25. Kate

    I think it makes me even more excited to read this new series than I was LONG awaiting Firethorn. Two enthusiastic thumbs up – only because 2 is all I’ve got.

  26. Harlie F.

    This cover blew me away. The designer did a fabulous job! I think it’s wonderful that you got a real life veteran to be the model. It’s perfect. πŸ™‚

  27. Jan Thompson

    Saw your link from the ACFW main loop. The cover is amazing. Just amazing. IMO it’s the best one ever among all your novels. Your cover designer is really good. Wow. I look forward to reading the new series. Write on!

  28. Liz Riggs

    Ronie this has GOT to be my favorite cover of yours yet! I’ve loved your other covers but this one really captures the feel of your stories, action packed and always on the move. My favorite thing about it is that “Watterboy” is a real life hero! What a tremendous way to honor our men and women in uniform.

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      Thank you, Liz! I think I agree with you. πŸ˜€ And yes—I’m over the moon that the hero is a REAL veteran!

  29. Sara

    Though I absolutely adore all your books…this cover is my favorite! It’s very dynamic and I just know the story is going to be awesome. πŸ™‚ Cannot wait!

  30. Amanda Geaney

    Raptor 6 is next on my TBR list. Thank you so much for the giveaway. I got my copy a few days ago. My kids thought it was so cool that it was signed by the author. #RaisingBookworms

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