Ronie Barbour Publishing, Dineen Miller, Kim Vogel Sawyer, MaryLu Tyndall 2 Comments

I am so excited to announce that I signed a contract with Barbour Publishing to write one of four novellas in a collection entitled CENTRAL PARK RENDEZVOUS and will be set in (as if you couldn’t figure this out already) Central Park, NY. I will be writing with some very amazing ladies: Dineen Miller, MaryLu Tyndall, and Kim Vogel Sawyer! The collection is set to release April 2012. Here is the blurb for the collection: Through the timelessness of the love never fails verses from I Corinthians 13, characters from four generations of one family endure hard and cruel circumstances in life, yet bring love full circle to its completion. In Ronie Kendig’s Dream A Little Dream the characters learn …

MaryLu Tyndall’s The Restitution

Ronie Barbour, MaryLu Tyndall, Restitution 1 Comment

Hello! Thanks fer stoppin’ by me blog. Ye`ve come t’ th’ starboard place today if ye`re lookin’ fer a great read. ‘Tis me extreme pleasure t’ participate in MaryLu Tyndall`s blog tour fer th’ lass’ third book, Restitution. Below is the trailer MaryLu put together for her incredible new book out now from Barbour Publishing! In this third book, th’ treacherous voyage o’ Captain Kent Carlton continues as he tries t’ prove his heart t’ain’t as black as one might think. In this perilous journey, Lady Isabel Ashton must team up wi’ th’ man who raped th’ lass’ as they battle t’ save the’r baby lad from another captain bent on revenge. Aye…isn’t pirate-ing fun?? Ahem. Seriously, now… I love …

MaryLu Tyndall’s The Reliance

Ronie MaryLu Tyndall, pirate, Reliance, romance Leave a Comment

The dark hull of a ship loomed ahead, lit by two laterns, one on the bowspprit and the other swinging on the hook on the mizzenmast. Dim light shone through a porthole below the quarterdeck. Three masts covered with tangled rigging towered against the moonlit sky like webbed claws ready to snatch Charlisse from the boat. Most likely an ex-merchant vessl, the tree-masted, square-rigged ship couuld hold up to forty guns. Charlisse wouldn’t have known or cared about such things three years ago if she hadn’t married a privateer and chosen a life at sea. The longboat scraped and thudded against the hull of the larger ship, and the pirates secured it with cords that dangled from the bulwark. A …