Wolfsbane Endorsements

Ronie Barbour, Dineen Miller, Lynette Eason, Wolfsbane 6 Comments

Okay, I am really tickled to share the first endorsements with you for Wolfsbane, Discarded Heroes #3, which releases July 1st. Yes, that’s four months away. Can you stand it? The first endorsement came from Dineen Miller, author of Winning Him Without Words and The Soul Saver (Barbour, 2012): Steeped in conflict and characters searching for redemption, Ronie Kendig writes her best story yet. Intense action, integrity, honor, sacrifice—these are the attributes displayed richly in Wolfsbane. Even after the last page, Dani and Canyon continue to live my heart. —Dineen Miller, author of Winning Him Without Words: 10 Keys to Thriving in Your Spiritually Mismatched Marriage and The Soul Saver The second one is from the amazing LYNETTE EASON (you …


Ronie Barbour Publishing, Dineen Miller, Kim Vogel Sawyer, MaryLu Tyndall 2 Comments

I am so excited to announce that I signed a contract with Barbour Publishing to write one of four novellas in a collection entitled CENTRAL PARK RENDEZVOUS and will be set in (as if you couldn’t figure this out already) Central Park, NY. I will be writing with some very amazing ladies: Dineen Miller, MaryLu Tyndall, and Kim Vogel Sawyer! The collection is set to release April 2012. Here is the blurb for the collection: Through the timelessness of the love never fails verses from I Corinthians 13, characters from four generations of one family endure hard and cruel circumstances in life, yet bring love full circle to its completion. In Ronie Kendig’s Dream A Little Dream the characters learn …

Congratulations to my "twin"!!!!

Ronie Dineen Miller, Spiritually Unequal Marriage 2 Comments

I’m screaming and dancing for my “twin”!!!!! Please join me in congratulating Dineen Miller (www.dineenmiller.com), graphic designer extraordinaire and amazing author, who has signed a contract along with her co-author, Lynn Donovan, for a non-fiction title with Regal Books. Wild Hope, a resource for those living in a spiritually mismatched marriage, is set to release January 2011. Book blurb: Week after week, they sit in church and their faith…alone. They are the spiritually mismatched. Feeling abandoned by their spouse and forgotten by their church, they live out their faith in a mode of survival. Yet God wants them to thrive. Wild Hope presents ten Christ-centered keys to not just survive, but to thrive in a spiritual mismatch. This book about …

Shadow of Colossus by TL Higley … and a Meme

Ronie Broadman and Holman, Camy Tang, Dineen Miller, John Olson, Lisa Harris, ML Tyndall, Shade, Shadow of Colossus, TL Higley 2 Comments

First – before I do the meme, I *have* to rave about a new book put out by B&H Publishing. The day I received Shadow of Colossus by TL Higley in the mail, I gasped. I’d been at the B&H website the week before absolutely drooling over the cover and story synopsis for this book. I was THRILLED to read it, but realyl nervous, too–ya know how it is. You see a book and think it’s going to be fantastic, but when you read it… So, my fear of being let down kept me from reading it for a few days. THEN! I finally caved to my HUGE curiosity, and started reading. Shadow of Colossus is one of the most …

WINNERS – And Photos from ACFW Conference

Ronie ACFW conference, Dineen Miller, John Olson, Robin Caroll, Sara Mills 4 Comments

C Gwynn, You have won Camy Tang’s Sushi for One? Please email me privately with your mailing information. Cherie J – You’ve won Robin Caroll’s Bayou Justice!! Please contact me privately with your mailing information. Now, to share just a tad more about my conference liberation. LOL It’s such a tongue-in-cheek term for something so powerful and freeing. I haven’t been the same since, and I’m guarding my heart so I don’t end up back there. I was sitting with my close bud Dineen Miller, and she was praying over me. I had this visual image in my mind of a rod–like the steel rods they use to line the ground before pouring concrete. When I saw it, I just …

ACFW Conference rocks!

Ronie ACFW, Camy Tang, Dineen Miller, Steve Laube 5 Comments

Well, it took me nearly all week to recuperate from the conference. I am finally feeling like a human being again. I’m rested, focused, and very passionate about writing for God’s glory. A lot happened at this conference. I’ll have more pictures to share soon (yeah, I know…I’m ancient because I used an ‘old fashioned’ camera where you had to actually look through the teensy square box to take the photo, and now I have to actually get the film developed–GASP!), but just had to post this one taken by Ane Mulligan during the Keynote Luncheon in Robin Caroll’s Presidential Suite–and yes, it was SWEET! It’s me, Dineen Miller, and Camy Tang. At conference, God supernaturally freed me from the …

ACFW Conference – Sept 20-23 Dallas

Ronie ACFW, Amanda Bostic, Andy Meisenheimer, Dineen Miller, Karen Ball, Robin Caroll, Steve Laube 2 Comments

Create yours at BlingyBlob.com! I am so excited about the 2007 ACFW Conference! I’ve attended the last two, but this will be my first going as an agented author. That’s a glorious feeling. Oh–speaking of which–or whom–my fabulous agent STEVE LAUBE let me interrogate…er, I mean interview him regarding his experience, advice, and thoughts on the ACFW Conference. That will be posted tomorrow, so be sure to come back!! (Finalists Robin (Miller) Caroll & Me) In 2005, I attended my first ACFW conference–and had a meltdown. LOL I was up for the Noble Theme (now the Genesis) in the Science Fiction category with my futuristic story. I was face to face with way more editors and agents than I ever …