It’s with a very heavy heart that I blog today. My best bud, Laube Sister (we have the same agent, Steve Laube), and business partner, Sara Mills, has been dealt a blow–her wonderful husband, Keith, died April 7, 2009 from a massive heart attack. I’d do anything for my beautiful friend and her precious children not to have to go through this, for Keith to be back full of life, laughter, and love. Keith, I am so sorry we never met but thank you for what you did for your family, for my best friend. Thank you for loving Sara so completely. For all the nights I kept her up laughing and giggling…thank you for laughing right along. What a …
Sara Mills’ Miss Fortune
It is with great pleasure that I post a glowing review of Miss Fortune, the debut novel by my fabulous friend and crit partner (and Double Crit business partner), Sara Mills. She has a very distinct voice that lends itself so naturally and fluidly to mystery writing that you can’t help but fall in love with the characters (especially Jack, but don’t tell Sara I said that!). If you love Humphrey Bogart, the Maltese Falcon, Casa Blanca…you’re going to absolutely love Sara’s 1940s-era mystery!! And I hear she’s cooking up a *killer* contest, so be sure to visit her website: Check out the “official” blurb: They call her the P.I. Princess It’s 1947 and Allie Fortune is the only …
Betsy Tagged Me!
Betsy tagged me with this blog game! Here’s the rules: Pick up the nearest book of 123 pages or more. No cheating! Find page 123.Find the first 5 sentences.Post the next 3 sentences.Tag 5 people. The book closest to me at the moment is Taming Rafe by Susan May Warren. So far, I LOVE it–Susie’s one of the few writers whose writing actually grab me and don’t let go, much like Rafe’s grip on that bull rope–yeeeouch!! I think Susie is one of my writing heroes…or should that be heroines? LOL I’ll be doing a post for her blog tour on this novel soon, so stay tuned for more details on this great read!! Here’s p. 123! (which I haven’t …
I am beyond ecstatic to announce that my dear friend and crit partner, SARA MILLS, has signed her FIRST-EVER book contract (a two-booker) with Moody Publishers for her 1940s historical mysteries. Miss Fortune, book 1, is all about Allie Fortune, the only female PI in New York City, and is scheduled for Fall 2008 release date. The deal was negotiated by our fabulous agent, STEVE LAUBE. They call her the P.I. Princess. Allie Fortune is the only female private investigator in New York City and she’s one of the best.When there’s a knock on her office door at four in the morning, Allie’s first inclination is to ignore it. Someone out on the streets in the middle of the night …
10-20-30 Meme
Camy Tang & Patricia Carroll (PacJac) tagged me! I am supposed to tell where I was 10-20-30 years ago. 10—1997…Hmm, I was well into the first draft of my futuristic, Liberty’s Son. My mom had died the previous year. I had two children. Live in Fort Worth and we were small home group leaders for our church. 20—I was in my senior year at Killeen High School. This is the point in my life where I was starting to find myself…Had an amazing English Teacher who impacted my life in a HUGE way. (Love you, Mrs. Montgomery!) 30—I was seven years old. Beginning to realize that what was happening to me was *wrong* (I was abused). Lived in Massachusetts…or were …
WINNERS – And Photos from ACFW Conference
C Gwynn, You have won Camy Tang’s Sushi for One? Please email me privately with your mailing information. Cherie J – You’ve won Robin Caroll’s Bayou Justice!! Please contact me privately with your mailing information. Now, to share just a tad more about my conference liberation. LOL It’s such a tongue-in-cheek term for something so powerful and freeing. I haven’t been the same since, and I’m guarding my heart so I don’t end up back there. I was sitting with my close bud Dineen Miller, and she was praying over me. I had this visual image in my mind of a rod–like the steel rods they use to line the ground before pouring concrete. When I saw it, I just …
I’m in Business – Double Crit Editorial Services
PRESS RELEASE Double Crit Editorial Services ~specializes in polishing fiction book proposals~ NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Double Crit is a unique freelance editing service that offers high-level critiques of fiction book proposals from two experienced editors. Whether a writer is preparing for a conference or getting ready to submit their manuscript to editors and agents, Double Crit can help. Double Crit is here to help with book proposal formatting, query letters, synopses and story structure as well as the first thirty pages of the manuscript. They can assist with the opening hook, back-cover copy, active and passive voice, showing vs. telling, character development, spiritual threads, and point of view. Double Crit sharpens proposals to double your edge in the publishing …